No Heartache with TECNATIVES Nt

It is important for users of EMS applications to know that they are using a secure product. In particular, the question of whether EMS can be used to excite the heart muscle moves many people. Some trainers point to the frequencies and say that due to the low frequencies during EMS training (up to max. 120 Hertz) the heart muscle cannot be stimulated. As proof, applications are cited that consciously stimulate the heart (pacemakers, defibrillators), which operate in a much larger frequency range (up to 10,000 Hertz).
Creatinekinase – Effects with EMS

The most important energy source in the body is ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This can split off a phosphate group, releasing energy and converting it into ADP (adenosine diphosphate).
Biological Aspects of Muscles

All movements of the inner and outer structures of our body are made by muscles through a sequence of contraction and relaxation. This movement is the basis for active locomotion, but also for many functions inside our body. To understand how EMS affects our muscles, we first have to deal with the structure and functioning of the muscles.